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Our Training offer

As part of our system support, we have created a suite of training endorsed by the Coventry and Warwickshire Safeguarding partnerships that we can offer to support Trauma Informed work across the system. As well as delivering bitesize modules through the Safeguarding partnerships, we are also running Train the Trainer sessions to support passionate professionals in the community to continue encouraging Trauma Informed training and reflective discussions.

The modules currently on offer are as below:

1. Understanding trauma informed approaches: 
To understand what trauma is and why we need trauma informed approaches, and the benefits of this to revisit our understanding of trauma, and how individuals are affected by the experience of stress begin to consider practical ways we can start to implement trauma informed approaches in our different contexts   

2. Vicarious and organisational trauma:
To learn about trauma informed practice to learn more about vicarious and organisational trauma – understanding the definitions, impact and vulnerabilities of hearing trauma stories and effects to professionals and their organisations to reflect on the impact of vicarious trauma and what we can do to be more trauma informed 

3. Social prescribing in a trauma informed context to understand the concept of social prescribing for young people, introducing what it is and defining using some examples to learn about the benefits of social prescribing through a trauma informed lens – how young people can benefit from accessing support through a social model of care to learn about social prescribing and the new Coventry and Warwickshire vanguard project for the west midlands – understanding how social prescribing underpins the framework for care of children and young people on the edge of care or youth justice pathway. 

4. Building positive relationships after developmental trauma to understand the effects of trauma to learn about how trauma can effect relationships explore how we can have effective communication with those around us discuss working within professional boundaries – including why they are needed to consider tools to begin to create effective supportive relationships 

5. The psychology of victim blaming to understand what victim blaming is learn about victim blaming language as a concept to unpack victim blaming language within our own practice to introduce the term adultification and what this means in relation to victim blaming to introduce some of the theories to victim blaming which help explain ‘the why’ to offer some alternative suggestions 

6. Safeguarding through a trauma informed lens: to help delegates to view their own response to supporting those who have experienced trauma through a trauma informed lens introduce and understand the four r’s as an underpinning framework for trauma informed practice to highlight some key safeguarding topics and links to trauma including victim blaming and CSE to explore high risk vs safeguarding understanding what is a strengths-based approach 

7. Extra familial trauma: engaging with children who have been subjected to child sexual abuse to understand what is included under the terms CSA/CSE/CE to be able to recognise the signs of abuse to be confident with disclosures – including safeguarding steps explore professional curiosity 

8. Asylum seeking and migrant children and young people: responding to their lived experience. To understand the range of backgrounds to explore the experiences of the asylum journey recognising barriers faced when in the uk understanding concepts such as displacement, and adultification/infantilisation reflect on what trauma informed means for your context