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NHS England and personalised care: What is personalised care?

The Patients Association: What is Shared Decision Making?

Your choices in the NHS Choices Framework (updated 2020)

The King's Fund explains the NHS Long Term Plan (2019)


Peer Leadership - a course open to the public:

If you would like to understand more about the development of personalised care in the NHS, you may be interested in this course developed by NHS England. It is open to everyone but is mainly aimed at people with long-term conditions and disabilities and their carers who want to improve their situation by gaining knowledge of personalised care. There are charges for some elements of the course.


For health and care professionals:

If you're a health and care professional, visit our web pages for information on developing skills and embedding personalisation into your organisation and individual professional practice: Making it Personal for our Population.

If you have any questions about Personalised Care in Coventry & Warwickshire, please email the Coventry & Warwickshire ICB Personalisation Team at: