Dynamic Support Register
The Dynamic Support Register (DSR) is how we identify children, young people and adults who are at risk of admission to mental health inpatient services without access to timely dynamic support. This register helps us to:
- identify people at risk of admission to a mental health hospital and understand the risks
- work together across health and social care to review the needs of each person registered on the DSR
- mobilise the right support (for example, a Care (Education) and Treatment Review, referral to a keyworker service for children and young people, extra support at home) to help prevent the person being admitted to a mental health hospital.
The DSR is for everyone with a learning disability and/or autism (whatever their age), who are most at risk of hospital admission or placement breakdown. Inappropriate hospital admissions are sometimes related to placement breakdown therefore it is important to ensure the right level support is identified for individuals, noting that this can change over time.
If you would like to refer yourself or someone else to the Dynamic Support Register, please complete the self-referral form.
Please note that if you, or the person you are referring needs an urgent or immediate response from mental health, please look here: Find Help Now | Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
The DSR Team does not provide an emergency crisis response service and works 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
If you are referring yourself or someone close to you:
- We will contact you within 5 working days to take further information to understand the current needs and help us to manage your referral information submitted will be shared with colleagues from health and social care to discuss current needs, levels of risk and potential sources of support.
- If the person is added to the DSR, their information will be shared with local organisations who may provide support to avoid unnecessary admission to hospital, which are:
- Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
- Coventry City Council or Warwickshire County Council (depending on where you live)
- NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board
- Coventry and Warwickshire Mind
- Fine Futures
When referral decisions are being made, it is important that all relevant information about the DSR is shared with the person the referral is for, plus those with parental responsibility and services that support them.
Information about the DSR is available in various formats to ensure that the person can understand, retain and weigh up information about this decision, so that they are able to give informed consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time.
If a person is assessed as not having the capacity to give informed consent, a best interest decision can be made under the Mental Capacity Act to be referred to the DSR.
It is important to know that not consenting to join the register will not affect the person’s current support.
For a referral to be accepted it is essential that:
1. The person has capacity to give informed consent or;
2. A best interest decision has been made on behalf of them if they don’t have capacity.
3. Have a diagnosis of a Learning Disability or Autism
NHS England’s guidance on the Dynamic Support Register and risk stratification is outlined in the Dynamic support register and Care (Education) and Treatment Review policy and guide (2023).
This guidance says that each health and care system’s DSR should use a Red/Amber/Green (RAG) rating or similar locally agreed process to stratify the needs of those on their DSR. This is to ensure early identification of people whose needs may require a comprehensive response and to keep sight of those whose needs may escalate and require an enhanced, different or more specialist response.
We have adopted the definitions of Red/Amber/Green from the national policy, which are outlined below.
Healthcare professionals will undertake a Clinical Support Tool (CST) to decide which of these RAG ratings applies best to each person on the DSR, and what support they need at the time of referral.
RAG Rating | Defintion |
Green |
Linked Processes:
Amber |
Linked processes:
Red |
Linked processes:
Blue |
The information held on the DSR will be:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Where you live
- NHS number
- Key professional involvement, their names and contact details.
- Current issues that can lead to a hospital admission.
- What has been tried that could help (including positive strategies to improve a person’s quality of life, increasing life opportunities and self-esteem).
- What could be useful to reduce risks further.
- An action plan moving forwards including recommendations for current and potential future services.
- Current diagnosis of a Learning Disability and Autism
NHS England have published a set of guides for Autistic young people aged between 16 and 25 years about the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and Care Education and Treatment Reviews (CETRs).
These leaflets are aimed to empower young people to better understand the process and benefits of deciding whether to be on a DSR, have a C(E)TR and be actively involved in this process.
They are available to view at DSR CETR Young Person Guides.