Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Roles
Our Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) are a key part of delivering care closer to home. GP practices now contain a range of healthcare profressionals to who can help you get the treatment you need without the need for mutliple appointments before you get referred to the right service.
The roles that are available will vary from practice to practice, but you can learn more about some of the MDT roles that are available across Coventry and Warwickshire by clicking on them below.
Practice Nurses are qualified nurses. They do almost every kind of patient care and treatment. They look after patients with long-term conditions such as asthma and diabetes and offer health screening. They hold clinics such as travel vaccinations, baby vaccinations, wound care, and women’s health for cervical screening and contraceptive advice.
Physiotherapists are experts in muscle and joint conditions. You may be referred to a Physiotherapist working in or with your practice to provide you with a diagnosis and treatment if you have these types of conditions.
Health Care Assistants (HCAs) work alongside the Practice Nurse to help with things such as blood pressure and new patient checks, weight and height recording and taking blood samples. You may also see a HCA for certain vaccines - for example your flu vaccination.
A Physician Associate (PA) is not a doctor but works under the supervision of a doctor to deliver care and treatment. This means they can diagnose and treat adults and children with a range of health problems.
GP Registrars are fully qualified doctors. They are doing advanced general practice training under the supervision of a GP.
Social Prescribers connect people to community support groups and services. These services might be run by the council or a charity. For example, they could put someone with dementia in touch with a local dementia support group. Or someone who is lonely could be put in touch with a coffee morning or gardening.
Care-coordinators work with GPs and other members of the team. They help people understand which services they need. They also help with personal health budgets. You will always be referred to a GP, or another health professional if there is a need.
Health and Wellbeing Coaches work alongside GPs and other health professionals to help people make positive changes to lifestyle and diet. This is based on what matters to the person and their goals for better health and wellbeing.
A Clinical Pharmacist provides expert advice on medicines. Pharmacists are highly trained. They can diagnose and treat common illnesses like colds, hay fever, diarrhoea or eye infections. They may be able to prescribe medicines to treat your condition.
Pharmacists advise on side effects of medication. They can talk through how medicines react with each other to make sure that medicines work well for you.
If you want to learn more about MDTs and how they are benefitting patients you can read and watch our MDT case study.