Local data and statistics
Health inequalities mean that people living in the most affluent areas will live longer lives and have more years in good health than those living in the most deprived areas. What this means for Coventry and Warwickshire is shown below.
In Coventry, residents whose health outcomes suggest the greatest degree of inequality tend to live in the central north-east and north-east of the city - in areas such as Hillfields, Wood End and Foleshill. In Warwickshire, residents with lower health outcomes tend to live in the north of the county - in Nuneaton and Bedworth, and North Warwickshire. In both cases, there are notable pockets of health inequality outside these areas.
Coventry is an urban local authority area, while Warwickshire is largely rural, with a series of urban centres across the five districts and boroughs. Inequality and deprivation look and feel slightly different across our 4 Places, but there are strong similarities of characteristic between those people most likely to experience health inequalities.
The graphics below show the number of people locally who live in areas in the 20% most deprived wards of England, and the difference in life expectancy experienced by people in Coventry and Warwickshire.
Health inequalities can be caused by many factors including household income, quality of housing, protected characteristics, geographical influences and specific vulnerabilities such as homelessness. Information about the population and health inequalities in Coventry and Warwickshire can be accessed from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment that each authority completes. For more information, visit:
Warwickshire County Council Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Coventry Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Coventry has been a Marmot City since 2013. This means that it has recognised the health inequalities across the city and carried out city-wide programmes of work aligned to the principles set out in the Fairer Society, Healthy Lives review by Sir Michael Marmot. Coventry has developed a strategic monitoring tool, using a variety of indicators and outcomes measures to build a picture over time of where things have improved or potentially gaps have widened. This will help us as a system to understand what has been effective, share good practice and influence partners strategic priorities to improve health equity. The Marmot Monitoring Tool 2023 can be found on the Coventry City Council website.
Warwickshire County Council also have a health inequalities dashboard, which can be accessed at:
Warwickshire County Council Monitoring Health Inequalities Dashboard
Information about health inequalities at a local and national level is also provided by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), and is available at:
Public health profiles - OHID (phe.org.uk)