Health Inequalities Strategy and associated documents
The ICB Health Inequalities Strategy 2022-2027 was agreed in July 2022. It sets out how the ICB and wider partners will embed tackling healthcare inequalities throughout the system and the other workstreams that will enable this work, such as digital transformation, personalisation, population health management and estates.
The Strategy has been refreshed in 2023 with an updates delivery plan. The Refresh recognises the progress that has been made since the ICB was formed in July 2022 and the emerging priorities and workstreams that drive the current work. A copy of the Refreshed Strategy can be found here.
As required within the NHS England Statement on Information on Health Inequalities (duty under section 13SA of the National Health Service Act 2006), we have produced key information on our local health inequalities and how we are responding. This information can be found in the Legal Duties document.
The Core20Plus5 model sets out a number of priority groups that we will need to focus on to ensure that our work has the most impact. In Coventry & Warwickshire, this means:
Core 20 – people living in areas within the 20% most deprived in the country. In our area, this includes:
- Coventry 26.02% of the population
- Rugby 3.77% of the population
- Warwickshire North 16.72% of the population
- South Warwickshire 0.49% of the population
Plus groups are ones identified locally as having worse healthcare outcomes but are not already included in the core 20 or the 5 clinical priorities. Our chosen plus groups are:
- Coventry and Warwickshire-wide ICS: Transient communities (people experiencing homelessness, gypsies, travellers and boaters, newly arrived communities including refugees and asylum seekers, and guests from Ukraine)
- Coventry Place: People on long term sickness benefit
- Warwickshire North: People living in inadequate/unsatisfactory housing
- South Warwickshire: Rural poverty and older people on low incomes
- Rugby: Transient communities
The five clinical priorities as set out in the Core20Plus5 model for adults are:
- Maternity – continuity of care
- Severe mental illness – ensuring physical health checks for people with SMI
- Chronic respiratory disease – increasing vaccinations for Covid, Flu and Pneumonia
- Early cancer diagnosis – diagnosed at stage 1 or 2
- Hypertension case finding – and optimal management
Smoking cessation is also a priority that underpins all the other five clinical priorities.
The five clinical priorities as set out in the Core20Plus5 for children and young people are:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Oral health
- Mental health