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Where will information be stored and who will be able to see it?

Patient information will be stored on a secure information system.

The information will be collected from General Practice, hospitals, mental health providers, community services, social care, and other sources. This will include personal information about your care, however, only health and social care staff who are directly involved in providing the care will be able to see any patient identifiable information.

In some cases, the people working with the information will be able to look at anonymised information from citizens across all of Coventry and Warwickshire, for example, to look at health trends across the region. However, they wouldn’t be able to see personal information that could identify you.

All health and social care organisations in Coventry and Warwickshire that share information for Population Health Management will have signed a data sharing agreement that sets out, what information will be shared, what it will be used for, and the measures in place to protect the information and the individual’s rights and freedoms.