What is Population Health Management?
Our health and care needs are changing, people are living longer in poorer health, with conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease and dementia, while our behaviours are increasing our risk of preventable disease.
We want to help healthcare professionals and public services:
- understand patient needs that might have been overlooked
- design better health services
- make better use of public resources
- prevent diseases
- predict future health issues
This is ‘Population Health Management’ (PHM).
Population Health Management uses patient information to identify local groups of people who have chronic illness or are at risk of ill-health, so that our health and care services can work together to improve the health outcomes of these groups.
PHM requires us to share information from different sources including electronic health records.
By sharing and analysing this information, we expect that everyone in Coventry and Warwickshire will have equal opportunities to live and enjoy the best, healthiest life possible.
We are already seeing many examples of clinicians and commissioners across the country taking a population health approach and thinking differently about how to plan and design care in an integrated way.