Cancer Services
One in two of us will get cancer in our lifetime, leaving us scared, shocked and numb.
Working together, the NHS and councils across Coventry and Warwickshire are committed to improving cancer care services for the local population.
We are determined to help prevent cancer by supporting people to live happy and healthy lives, detect cancers more quickly and have access to better treatments.
Living healthy
We can support you to eat better, get active and stop smoking.
By making small changes we can all live longer and happy lives.
Being told you have cancer is scary, but we are here to help support you.
We are finding cancer earlier, treatments are getting more effective and an increased number of people are living with and beyond cancer.
There is lots of help and support available for people diagnosed with cancer.
Across Coventry and Warwickshire our Living With and Beyond Programme is here to help and support you, alongside out three dedicated Cancer Information and Support Centres.