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Primary Care Collaborative


The Primary Care Collaborative comprises:

1 PCN Clinical Director per Place;

1 other general practice representative per Place as nominated by the practices within that Place;

1 representative per Local Medical Committee;

1 representative per local GP Federation/at scale general practice provider;

The ICB Chief Delivery and Performance Officer, Director of Primary Care, and members of the ICB Primary Care Team.


The Primary Care Collaborative will:

Initially bring together general practice providers at a Coventry and Warwickshire level, with the intention being to expand the membership to include broader primary care providers over time. 

Form part of the broader governance structure of the Integrated Care System.

Formally report into the system wide Collaborative Development Programme Board enabling collaboration with other local Collaboratives. 

Link to, not replace, existing Place-based primary care leadership groups and forums.


Key Sections of this plan relevant to the Collaborative

Improving Access to Services - Primary Care

Improving Access to Services - Urgent and Emergency Care

Collaboration and Integration

Health Inequalities

Prioritising Prevention and Wider Determinants

Personalised Care


Initial Priorities

To act as an expert reference group to the ICS (including other formal boards and groups) around general practice issues.

To act as a single point of contact for general practice engagement representing grassroot general practice views through a clear and co-ordinated voice.

To develop mechanisms to ensure that general practice can influence, contribute to and/or respond to all ICS changes and developments.

To share information and communicate on national and local ICS areas of strategy, planning and development impacting GP practices and PCNs.

To support the delivery of general practice in the ICS, including the alignment of ICB resource.

To promote and facilitate GP providers to share learning to ensure equity and consistency of innovation.

To provide a forum for ICS workstreams and programmes to engage with general practice around future proposals and areas of transformation.

To support and coordinate general practice (clinical and non-clinical) representation in ICS workstreams and programmes.

To play a leading role in the design and development of the Coventry and Warwickshire Primary Care Strategy and to support the implementation of the aligned delivery programme once approved.

To support the development of PCNs and Place based working.

To establish a strategic work programme that enables general practice to be an effective and influential partner in the ICS – initially two sub-groups have been formed which will focus on GP Provider Development and General Practice and PCN Development.