Mental Health Collaborative
The Mental Health Collaborative brings together experts by experience, alongside representatives of key partner organisations/parts of our system architecture:
Chair – expert by experience;
Place and PCN representatives;
Coventry and Warwickshire Care Collaboratives;
Coventry and Warwickshire VCSE Mental Health Alliance;
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust;
ICB Executive Lead and Commissioning Lead;
Local Authorities (Coventry and Warwickshire);
Public Health;
Healthwatch (Coventry and Warwickshire);
NHS England.
The Mental Health Collaborative’s agreed vision is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people and adults by working together at scale and at Place. Through our work together, and in partnership with local people, we will support staff across our communities to:
- Improve outcomes for all and reduce inequalities;
- Reduce waits and improve clinical quality and experience for local children, young people, and adults;
- Ensure that those who wait feel helped and heard while waiting;
- Work with communities to build resilience and focus on prevention for future generations.
The Collaborative’s agreed principles focus on prevention and reducing inequalities; starting with the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people; accessible, responsive and co-ordinated care; co-production with people with lived experience; and continually seeking to improve.
The Collaborative is taking a lead role in the system on mental health strategy development. This includes understanding national policy, planning using population health data, analysis of potential health inequalities, strategic priority setting and oversight of agreed implementation plans.
Key Sections of this plan relevant to the Collaborative
Improving Access to Services (all sub-sections)
Prioritising Prevention and Wider Determinants
Personalised Care
Collaboration and Integration
Health Inequalities
Children and Young People
Initial Priorities
Focusing on prevention and reducing inequalities – we will ensure a core focus on prevention and the biopsychosocial aspects of care, providing earliest help at the ‘lowest’ level with investment in people's early journey and seeking always to address inequalities, including focused work targeting specific areas of deprivation/communities.
Focusing on NHS Long Term Plan priorities – driven by our Mental Health Collaborative Long Term Plan Delivery Group our focus across the ICS over the next 2 years will be on:
- Increasing access to Talking Therapies and improving waiting times;
- Delivering our local Community Mental Health Transformation Programme Plan;
- Delivering priorities in the recently published Coventry and Warwickshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2023-30;
- Working in partnership with the Local Maternity and Neonatal System to improve maternal and perinatal mental health services ensuring equitable and high quality mental health and wellbeing support for parents and infants during the first 1001 days;
- Increasing access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services;
- Increasing rates of diagnosis of dementia and delivering of the Coventry and Warwickshire Dementia Strategy;
- Supporting the delivery of local plans to increase mental health expertise in ambulance services, ensuring that mental health professionals are embedded in all Emergency Operation Centres by the end of March 2024.
Continuing to focus on cross partner discussion and engagement to develop local priorities across Coventry and Warwickshire to complement national priorities.
Driving the development of simpler pathways and a bold approach to prevention and inequalities at Place, with a key enabler being the development of an Intelligence Hub to enable a data-driven approach.
Ongoing development of the Mental Health Collaborative – to influence and shape the development and evolution of the Mental Health Collaborative, including refining and taking forward the delivery priorities.