Coventry Care Collaborative
The Geographic Care Collaborative membership will be inclusive to reflect the primacy of Place within the ICS, comprising of representatives from:
Public Health
Mental Health
Acute Care
Primary Care
Voluntary and Community Sector
Adult Social Care, Children & Families and People
ICB Executive Lead
Place Leads.
The Geographic Care Collaboratives will:
Bring together place partnerships of providers and commissioners of health and care at a geographical footprint to shape commissioning decisions and initially oversee transformation for urgent care, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Better Care Fund and out of hospital services.
Focus on the integrated health and care quadrant of the King’s Fund population health and care framework adopted by the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System and take a population health approach to health and care commissioning.
Create the conditions for decisions relating to the commissioning and delivery of care and support to happen closer to people, patients and communities.
Form part of the broader governance structure of the ICS.
Formally report into the system wide Collaborative Development Programme Board enabling collaboration with other local Collaboratives.
Key Sections of this Plan relevant to the Geographic Collaboratives
Improving Access to services – Urgent and Emergency Care & Primary Care
Prioritising Prevention and Wider Determinants
Supporting People at Home
Health Inequalities
Collaboration and Integration
Personalised Care
Initial Priorities
Play an increasing role in shaping commissioning decisions and developing recommendations to improve outcomes and efficiency and to reduce inequalities for Coventry and Warwickshire people for NHS Continuing Healthcare, urgent and emergency care and out of hospital services.
To lead in the planning and oversight of the local Health Inequalities Innovation Fund to ensure that initiatives are targeted at the most deprived populations.
Take an active role in driving the transformation of local services through integration to deliver improved system resilience and outcomes for patients. Flagship transformation programmes for 2023/24 include:
Coventry Care Collaborative – development and mobilisation of the Improving Lives Programme (see Supporting People at Home section).
Warwickshire Care Collaborative – delivery of the Hospital Discharge Community Recovery Programme (see Supporting People at Home section).
In partnership with the ICB undertake a joint review of out of hospital services to determine the future commissioning requirements, whilst supporting Places to develop delivery models, which enable the development of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams to allow services to be tailored to local population needs, and fully integrated with acute, primary care and social care services to improve care, recovery and patient independence (see Collaboration and Integration section).
Linked to the above, review pre-hospital services and develop a Place based integrated urgent care service offer (see Improving Access to Services – Urgent and Emergency Care section).
To lead in the planning and oversight of the Winter Planning Funding to maximise resilience of local services during periods of pressure.
Review and re-design commissioning arrangements for NHS Continuing Healthcare services to support a transition to more integrated delivery at Place.
Take an active role in the planning and oversight of Better Care Fund Programmes in a way that supports person-centred care, sustainability and improved outcomes for patients and carers.
Develop the Care Collaborative role and function within the wider ICS infrastructure to transition from shaping decisions as a Consultative Forum, to becoming a formal sub-committee of the ICB, with decision making responsibilities by January 2024, and develop robust arrangements for the function and resource to transfer to the collaborative during 2024/25.