Acute Provider Collaborative
The Acute Provider Collaborative comprises the Chief Executives or Nominated Deputies from our local Acute NHS Trusts, the ICB Lead and representatives of general practice:
ICB Non Executive Director (Chair);
Acute NHS Trust representation;
ICB Acute Provider Collaborative Lead;
ICB Transformation Lead;
General practice representation – drawn from the Primary Care Collaborative;
Other Executive Leads may be required to attend in relation to specific workstreams.
The Acute Provider Collaborative will:
Bring together local Acute NHS Trusts at a Coventry and Warwickshire level to realise the mutual benefits of working at scale, to enable transformation and collaborative working to continuously improve quality, efficiency and outcomes, and address unwanted variation and inequalities.
Formally report into the system wide Collaborative Development Programme Board enabling collaboration with other local Collaboratives.
Link to sovereign Boards for agreement on key decisions.
Link to the ICS Transformation Board.
Key Sections of this plan relevant to the Collaborative
Improving Access to Services – Elective Care
Improving Access to Services – Urgent and Emergency Care
Initial Priorities
Acute clinical service recovery, with a focus on inequalities in access, experience and outcomes, and driving out variation in quality and efficiencies.
To collectively oversee the assessment of the risk and opportunities associated with identified pathway redesign, advising the Coventry and Warwickshire ICS Executive Group accordingly.
Acute productivity across the system, reducing variation and potential adverse events, and supporting the system’s agreed financial objectives.
To provide a forum for sharing of best practice on quality and productivity improvements, providing governance and roadmaps for each area identified, taking into account priorities and plans relating to care integration at Place and the varying populations across our system.
To identify opportunities for targeted embedding of prevention, aligned to population needs and acute demand.
To explore the development of Centres of Excellence for acute specialties (including tertiary) and High Volume Low Complexity Procedure Centres aligned to acute productivity opportunities identified through the Getting It Right First Time Programme and other local reviews.
To set the strategic direction to achieve economies of scale for corporate areas and support services, driving workforce sustainability through efficiency identification.
To influence and shape the development and evolution of the future commissioning infrastructure, including the approach for elective care services.
To respond to system and Place Clinical Strategies through the redesign and delivery of patient pathways, determining the most appropriate partnerships to undertake this (system, pan-system or Place).