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Executive summary

At the start of the autumn of 2022, partners in the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System came together through the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Partnership to embark on a journey to develop the first Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Strategy. Building on the two local Health and Wellbeing Strategies and feedback from a range of engagement activities, the Integrated Care Strategy sets out the Integrated Care Partnership’s vision and ambitions for what partners in our Integrated Care System can achieve together, framed around three strategic priorities, nine areas of focus and a number of enablers.

The Integrated Care Strategy reflects what is important to partners collectively and our strong shared belief that working together towards common goals is the best way to integrate and transform health and care services, tackle inequalities and improve health and wellbeing outcomes. The strategy is underpinned by our local Population Health Framework, which recognises not only the wide range of factors that impact the health and wellbeing of people and communities in Coventry and Warwickshire, but also the diverse resources that different partners, and communities themselves, can offer when we come together in partnership.

NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) was established in July 2022. The Integrated Care Board has responsibility for the NHS budget for the whole population of Coventry and Warwickshire and leads the planning and commissioning of services, working closely with partners across the Integrated Care System.  The ICB has a key strategic role to play in planning the future direction of the health and care system.  It leads health and care integration by bringing together all those involved in the planning and delivery of health and care services to take a collaborative approach and maximise our combined impact. Critically, by delivering effective commissioning at the right level across the health and care system, the ICB will create an environment in which the health and care system is focused on outcomes, collaborative arrangements are able to flourish, and the benefits of integrated care can be realised. 

Across the spring of 2023, the ICB, Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council and other partners in the Coventry and Warwickshire health and care system have worked together to develop this plan – the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Health and Care Delivery Plan 2023/24 – 2027/28 – to act as the shared health and care system delivery plan for the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Strategy. The ICB has taken an inclusive approach to the development of the plan, engaging broadly with a range of partners, and system groups and forums. Our intention in taking this approach has been to ensure that the plan builds on and reflects the strengths and assets of our diverse system.

The plan sets out our aims and priorities for the next five years to ensure that we will:

  • Meet the needs of our population;
  • Respond to the three strategic priorities, nine areas of focus and enablers identified in the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Strategy;
  • Align our priorities to those of our local Health and Wellbeing Boards as reflected in the Coventry and Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Strategies;
  • Make tangible progress in addressing the four core aims of our wider Integrated Care System – improving outcomes in health and healthcare; tackling inequalities in outcomes, experience and access; enhancing productivity and value for money; and helping the NHS support broader social and economic development;
  • Deliver the national NHS Long Term Plan and wider priorities, all of which resonate from a Coventry and Warwickshire population health perspective; and
  • Meet the statutory requirements of our Integrated Care Board.

​​The plan will be refreshed annually to:

  • Take account of implementation and outcomes over the previous year, including any learning to be applied as part of planning for future years;
  • Reflect any changes required due to new or emerging issues or requirements, be they related to population health, feedback from our communities and service users or service delivery opportunities and issues.

The Integrated Care Strategy and this plan are fundamentally connected through a shared vision and shared focus on the three strategic priorities and nine aligned areas of focus that are central to the Integrated Care Strategy.  In Section 2 (Working together to deliver the Coventry & Warwickshire Integrated Care Strategy) we set out our plans in relation to these strategic priorities and areas of focus.

In Section 3 (Creating the conditions for change to happen) we articulate our plans in relation to a number of key enablers.  We believe that focusing on these enablers will facilitate our work as partners to deliver the three strategic priorities shared across the Integrated Care Strategy and this plan.

In Sections 4 (Transforming our system) and 5 (Delivering through our four Places) we acknowledge the importance of how we work together at all levels of our system. The Health and Care Act 2022 and associated statutory guidance provide a clear mandate for a more joined-up approach to health and care built on collaboration and partnership working, using the collective resources of the local system – the NHS, Local Authorities, the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector, and others – to improve the health of local areas.  In this context, significant engagement has already happened between partners to set a direction of travel for how the Coventry and Warwickshire health and care system should develop and evolve over the next five years. As we set out in Section 4, the Health and Care Act gives us the necessary flexibility to change both the commissioning and delivery environment, moving away from traditional commissioning arrangements to allow responsibilities and budgets to be delegated to parts of the system that have the expertise and capability to transform services more effectively. 

As we highlight later in this section, this plan has been developed at a time of enormous challenge for all health and care systems nationally, particularly in relation to rising demand, workforce challenges and financial constraints. At the same time that we acknowledge these significant challenges, we recognise the opportunities that are available to us a system. As partners, we have already demonstrated the value of collaboration and partnership working over recent years: achieving much in response to COVID-19 recovery and through our nineteen Primary Care Networks and four Places. But we know that we can do more. Through the delivery of this plan we have a real opportunity to go further and faster as a system over the coming five-year period to support everyone in Coventry and Warwickshire to be happier, healthier and more independent.

Finally, we strongly recognise that delivering the vision set out in the Integrated Care Strategy will require the combined efforts of health and care system and wider partners in our Integrated Care System, with key activity being driven through the Coventry Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy.