Warwickshire North Place
Mental Health
Through this project…
Taking a proactive and preventative approach to reduce the long term impact for people with mental health problems. Services to be delivered locally in an integrated way at Place and PCN levels and Mental Health Strategy to work across all workstreams and focus on the development of acute mental health services, liaison roles in PCNs
The impact will be…
Key projects under this initiative include Urgent and Emergency Care, Children and Young People, Dementia Diagnosis Rate, Physical Health Checks and Suicide Prevention.
Exploring and developing a link to NHS 111 for children and young people by March 2023.
Unscheduled Care
Through this project…
Simplifying the urgent and emergency care offer across the Place including virtual wards allowing patients to recover at home with support via a consultant led team. Further increasing integration across providers to better manage front door throughput.
The impact will be…
Key projects include Urgent Response Redesign, Alternative Pathways to the Emergency Department and the Community Pharmacist Scheme.
To simplify the local urgent and emergency care offer and to fully integrate the response so that the most appropriate care can be given as quickly as possible, as close as is necessary for the immediate need of the patient.
This will include the initiation of a demand and capacity tool, WMAS CAD portal implementation, pendant alarm pilot and further integrated working with partners across the ICS.
Long Term Conditions
Through this project…
Aiming for self management and supported management of the following: MSK, heart failure, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, linking with wider strategies. Key theme from JSNA is to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce the burden of long term conditions.
The impact will be…
Projects including Models of Care – Diabetes, Models of Care – COPD and Models of Care – Heart Failure.
The population of Warwickshire North will have access to information and experts to enable early intervention and support people to manage their care and reduce their need for hospital services.
Wider Determinants
Through this project…
Reduce number people smoking in deprived areas in line with rates in more affluent areas of the Place.
Reduce the number of obese children in year 6 with rates in more affluent rates.
Reduce social isolation for people who are disadvantaged by deprivation, unemployment, race, ill-health and old age.
Four focus areas are: smoking cessation, obesity, mental health and learning disabilities
The impact will be…
Key projects include Models of Care – End of Life, Homeless Support, Smoking Cessation, Obesity & Learning Disability.
Reduce the number of people smoking in more deprived areas of the Place to match the lower rates of those smoking in more affluent areas.
Reduce the number of children in year 6 who are overweight/obese to match those with lower rates in more affluent areas.
Reduce the social isolation of people who are disadvantaged by deprivation, unemployment, race, ill-health, and old age in WN.