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South Warwickshire Place

There are a range of initiatives currently being scoped in detail/in development and therefore not incorporated in the list above. 

Tribe project

Through this project… 

We will work with Warwickshire Community & Voluntary Action to develop a digital platform ( that enables people at risk of health inequalities to search for local services and connect safely with local community volunteers who may be able to help. 

The impact will be… 

Increased choice and access to wider support for isolated/vulnerable members of the community. As a result we aim to see increased quality of life and a reduction in feelings of loneliness through empowering people, services and volunteers to connect with each other.  


Children in Crisis Project 

Through this project…

We will support young people at risk of mental health crisis through extending a social prescribing support model based in primary care and complementing the current RISE service. This will provide extra capacity at prevention stage to help young people and their families to build a safe supportive environment through addressing wider contributory factors, such as low income, violence or housing instability.

The impact will be… 

Greater personalised support for young people and their families drawing on wider support from local services the local community. As a result we aim to see improved health and wellbeing and reduced escalation of mental health challenges, including A&E admissions. 


Lillington Respiratory Project  

Through this project…

We will take a population health approach to boost respiratory health in Lillington East, which is in the 20% most deprived neighbourhoods in England. This will involve a new Community Connector role based in Warwick District Council supported by a project team from health, local authorities and the voluntary and community sector.

The impact will be… 

Improved awareness of respiratory conditions and prevention and greater personalised support from services and the local community. As a result we aim to see and increase in uptake of support, improved health and wellbeing and a reduction in unplanned and emergency presentations for respiratory conditions.