How our ICS works
Our ICS is split up into three levels, System, Place and Neighbourhood.
This covers the entire system across Coventry and Warwickshire, setting the goals for the individual Places and PCNs and the strategy for success. The goal of the system is improving population health and health care, tackle unequal outcomes and access, enhance productivity and value for money and help the NHS to support broader social and economic developments.
We have four Places: Coventry, Rugby, South Warwickshire and Warwickshire North.
Our Places are partnerships between health and care providers in their local area. They support the neighbourhood level of Primary Care Networks and connect them to broader services including those, provided by local councils, community hospitals or voluntary organisations whilst making sure that the wider health and care needs of their areas are recognised.
In Coventry and Warwickshire at a neighbourhood level, we have 19 groups of GPs that have come together to work more closely. These are known as Primary Care Networks and they are led by a Clinical Director (usually a local GP).
Their role is to support groups of GP practices to come together locally, in partnership with community services, social care, mental health and other providers of health and social care including the voluntary sector.