Warwickshire North is a diverse community that provides a home to more than 200,000 residents. New housing developments sit alongside more traditional urban town and rural village communities and both the Bedworth and the North Warwickshire borough populations have significant numbers of older people.
In 2019, Warwickshire ranked the 121st most deprived local authorities out of 151. However, there are areas of deprivation across the county and each district or borough contains at least one LSOA (Lower Super Output Area) amongst the 30% most deprived in England. Five LSOAs in Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough and one in North Warwickshire Borough are in the 10% most deprived nationally. Given the national picture, these are areas where residents are at increased risk of health inequalities.
The population of North Warwickshire is predicted to grow by 1.6% by 2024. The age profile of the area is older than the England average and deprivation is lower. The percentage of BAME at 4.9% is lower than the English average of 13.6%.
The population of Nuneaton and Bedworth is predicted to grow by 2.3% by 2024. The age profile of the area is similar to the England average and deprivation is higher. The percentage of BAME at 10.1% is lower than the English average of 13.6%.
Warwickshire North Place Executive, Chaired by George Eliot Hospital’s Managing Director, works in conjunction with Warwickshire North Health and Wellbeing Partnership, Chaired by North Warwickshire Borough Council’s Chief Executive, in order to achieve the best outcomes across health and social care for those in our Place.
Our Place Plan sets out our vision to work together to create a stronger health and care community, ‘Helping you to help yourself, and there for you when you need us’.
Our partnerships will aim to deliver health and social care that is more integrated, proactive and responsive to the health and social care needs of our local community.
Warwickshire North also works to our Clinical Strategy, which reflects the changing landscape of health and care and represents a framework for transforming clinical care to meet the changing needs and aspirations of local communities in Warwickshire North Place.
- Improving access to services
- Promoting and improving healthy lifestyles and reducing the burden of long-term conditions
- Addressing the wider determinants of health.
- Children and young people
- Improving mental health and wellbeing
- Overarching aim in Reducing Health Inequalities
Thursday 7th April 2022 9:00-11:00
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Thursday 2nd February 2023 09:00-11:00
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Thursday 1st June 2023 09:00-11:00
- Accelerating care for patients with a Community Diagnostic Centre
- Engaging with children in schools to promote healthy lifestyles and weight management
- Providing a Diabetes Foot Care service at George Eliot Hospital
- Health coaching and support for high intensity service users
- Population Health Management community engagement
- The Back to Health volunteering model