South Warwickshire Place focuses on improving the lives of people within the areas of Warwick District and Stratford-upon-Avon District through partnerships and collaboration between a wide range of organisations from the public and voluntary and community sector. South Warwickshire is predominantly rural and includes the historic towns of Warwick, Leamington Spa and Stratford along with key towns such as Kenilworth, Gaydon, Alcester, Southam and Shipston-on-Stour. Although South Warwickshire is by-and-large an affluent area, there are health inequalities within groups of people and places which are a focus of the place partnership and can only be addressed through services working together.
In 2021 the population was 283,200 and this is set to grow significantly in the coming decades. People are also living longer and proportion of older people is set to increase which presents challenges for health services in helping people manage long-term conditions more prevalent in older people such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. As we continue to recover from the pandemic the lasting impacts, for example on young peoples mental health continues to be a concern for all partners
Taking a partnership approach to improving health and wellbeing is important because many of the things which impact health the most (and are key to preventing ill health), lie beyond the reach of health and care services. These wider determinants of health include a persons income, their housing, transport and education as well as a persons lifestyle choices, nutrition and the availability of community support networks.
Our vision is that South Warwickshire Place will be a patchwork quilt of vibrant communities with strong alliances across multiple stakeholders and organisations that know each other and supports everyone to live well and to have full active independent lives.
We will understand and make inroads into improved health outcomes for our local population. Supporting people to keep well will be accepted as part of our core offer and together we will be able to say with confidence that we are maximising the Warwickshire pound.
The Place Plan provides a vision and priorities for health and wellbeing in South Warwickshire and has been co-produced by local partners from health, local government and the voluntary and community sector and informed by wider strategies, data and community feedback.
Critically the plan identifies that many of the health and wellbeing challenges within South Warwickshire communities cannot be addressed by the health and care system. For example, there is a wealth of evidence that the wider determinants of health are the most important driver of health. In addition to income and wealth, these determinants include education, housing, transport and leisure. The Plan therefore supports a shift to prevention and a population health approach to addressing health challenges and inequalities.
The Plan will be delivered through a set of key activities and workstreams developed by local partners through the South Warwickshire Place Partnership.
1) Tribe
A 3-year pilot to develop a digital platform ( that enables people to search for local services and connect safely with local community volunteers who may be able to help.
2) Children in Crisis
A 2-year pilot to support children and young people aged 12-17 at risk of mental health crisis through extending social prescribing model based in Primary Care. Provides extra capacity at prevention stage for higher risk young people complementing existing RISE support. Pilot to focus on Lillington (Core20), Packmores (Warks20% most deprived), Stratford and Arden PCN (Higher deprivation in SW).
3) Respiratory health in Lillington
18 month pilot to improve respiratory health in Lillington (Core20) through a community/ service connector role based at Warwick District Council. Project will seek to identify/ coordinate holistic support ie. clinical and wider determinant interventions e.g. medication, smoking cessation, exposure to air pollution, poor housing conditions and exposure to occupational hazards.
4) Back to Health Pathway
To adopt and adapt a ‘Back to Health Pathway’ which brings together new and existing volunteer roles into a single pathway that supports patients both within the hospital and in the community at each stage of the patient journey.
5) Warwickshire Hospital Discharge Community Recovery Service
SWFT patients, who need further support to recover, will have access to effective therapeutic intermediate care services within 24 hours of no longer meeting the criteria to reside in hospital.
The South Warwickshire Place Partnership Board is responsible for developing and driving delivery of the South Warwickshire Place Plan; ensuring plans are coherent and streamlined with effective and enabling governance arrangements, which remain clear and proportionate and avoid duplication across services.
Key Briefing Report September 2022
Key Briefing Report October 2022
Key Briefing Report November 2022
Key Briefing Report January 2023
Key Briefing Report March 2023
Key Briefing Report April 2023
Key Briefing Report August 2023
Key Briefing Report September 2023
Key Briefing Report October 2023
Key Briefing Report January 2024
Key Briefing Report February 2024
Chris Elliott
Chair of the Place Partnership Board, Chief Executive Warwick District Council
Adam Carson
Managing Director, South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust
Members of the Place Partnership Board – correct as of April 2024
- Dr Christina Ramos, Chair & GP, Warwickshire GP Federation
- Clare Hollingsworth, Director of Finance & Resources, Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust
- David Buckland, Chief Executive, Stratford District Council
- David Spraggett, Non-Executive Director, South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust
- Jim Sinnott, Elected Member, Warwick District Council
- Karen Winchcombe, Chief Executive, Warwickshire Community & Voluntary Action
- Liz Coles, Elected Member, Stratford-on-Avon District Council
- Nigel Minns, Strategic Director for People, Warwickshire County Council
- Paula Jackson, Consultant in Public Health, Warwickshire County Council
- Penny-Anne O’Donnell, Elected Member, Warwickshire County Council
- Robin Verso, Vice Chair and Member of the Board of Directors, Healthwatch Warwickshire
- Sarah Duxbury, Director of Strategy, Planning & Governance, Warwickshire County Council
- Sophie Gilkes, Chief Strategy Officer, South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust
- Using frailty virtual wards to prevent hospital admissions
- Urgent Community response service: Keeping people out of hospital
- Warwickshire frailty service keeps half of patients at home after falls
- South Warwickshire's Integrated Single Point of Access (iSPA)
- Addressing health inequalities in pulmonary rehabilitation
- Population Health Management ‘Hackathons’ in South Warwickshire
- Sourcing second-hand laptops to help Afghan refugees resettle in the community