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Rugby is home to 114,400 residents and the borough has experienced a rate of population growth that is higher than the national average. In addition, there is significant local housing development which is anticipated to contribute to an additional 29,760 residents living in Rugby by 2030, over and above demographic growth.

Rugby has a distinct local identity and a long history of partnership working across health and social care. Rugby has a wide range of community assets and a thriving community and third sector which already work together to address local health and social care priorities. The Rugby Health and Wellbeing partnership has been a focal point for Rugby Place partnership working to date, and has brought together a wide range of partners. The Health and Wellbeing Partnership is built on a shared local perspective on how best to build collaboration across statutory partners with accountability and duties to deliver sustainable health and social care provision to meet the needs of Rugby. 

The Health and Wellbeing Partnership plays an important role to ensure the needs of the Rugby Place population are considered in Integrated Care System’s Warwickshire Care Collaborative;

  • responding to and addressing the interests and specific place requirements and challenges of Rugby whilst recognising and effectively utilising the assets available within Rugby
  • Understanding and scoping the place priorities for Rugby 
  • Identify and address priorities which impact on the sustainability of local health and social care
  • Establish how Rugby place will work with other Places and within the wider ICS