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General Practitioners (GPs) have voted to commence collective action from 1st August. It’s important to note that collective action differs from industrial (strike) action, collective action involves various coordinated measures that still allow for the continuation of essential services.

These measures may look different for each practice, and although there will be no closure of GP practices during this time, you may see alterations in service provision that could cause disruption.

We would like to take this opportunity to reassure the public that we are working closely with practices and with our system partners to ensure that we understand the impact and to minimise any disruption as much as possible. Practices are still required to be open between 08:00 and 18:30 Monday to Friday. Patients should continue to make requests through the usual channels and continue to attend their appointments as normal unless they are told otherwise.

During the period of GP collective action, you may also see an impact on other healthcare services, including delays in accessing care for non-life-threatening conditions. However, all patients will be assessed to ensure that those with the most urgent needs continue to receive appropriate care.

It is therefore extremely important that you choose the right health care service for your needs to ensure our capacity is available for those who need care the most.

There are a range of alternative services available, including your local Pharmacy who can provide advice and over the counter medication for a range of minor illnesses. Pharmacies can also now prescribe medication for 7 common conditions without the need to see a GP under Pharmacy First.

Patients should continue to use 111 for urgent medical help when their GP practice is unavailable and if it is a serious or life-threatening emergency call 999.

During the period of collective action, the key things to note are:

  • Unless told otherwise, please attend your appointment as planned. Your GP will contact you if your appointment needs to be rescheduled.
  • You must continue to come forward if you need urgent medical care, especially in emergency and life-threatening cases – when someone is seriously ill or injured, or if their life is at risk.
  • Think 111 first, either online or over the phone, for non-threatening medical emergencies and you will be directed to the most appropriate service for your healthcare needs. Only use 999 if it is a life-threatening emergency.
  • Please continue to treat our health and care staff with respect even if you face delays in receiving care. The pressure we are experiencing is challenging for our teams and they are doing their best to ensure we are delivering care to those that need it the most.

Further updates on the collective action will be shared as they are available.

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