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Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) want to hear from individuals who currently use, or may in the future, use Community Support Services for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism with high support needs.

WCC and the ICB currently contract four Day Centres across Warwickshire that provide day services for people with a learning disability and/or autism, aged 18 years and over, who have been assessed as having high support needs under the Care Act 2014 or NHS Continuing Healthcare and meet the criteria.

The aim of the Community Support Services for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism with high support needs is to provide building-based day care and support to customers with complex and multiple disabilities.

Feedback is being gathered from individuals who are currently, or may in the future, use this provision and their families and carers that care for them. The aim of the survey is to help us better understand what has worked well, what could be improved, and for customer and parents/carers to share ideas on how this provision could look in the future.

For any queries on this, including if a paper copy is required, please contact:

The closing date is 18th August 2024 and you can complete the survey by clicking here.

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