Our Strategy
Keeping local people and communities at the heart of everything we do is really important to us and the only way we can deliver our vision and aims (Our Vision - Happy Healthy Lives) as an Integrated Care System.
We want to work with patients, carers, stakeholders, staff and our wider population so they are involved at every stage of our work, from planning and developing new services to making sure the services we do have are delivering the right things for people.
We know that the insight and diverse thinking of local people and communities are essential to tackling health inequalities and the other challenges faced by health and care systems.
The partner organisations of the ICS (Who's involved - Happy Healthy Lives) have worked together with local Healthwatch organisations as well as voluntary and community organisations to develop a "People and Communities" strategy, building on what we already know, and setting out how we can better work together to put people at the heart of everything we do.
It has three objectives:
1) To develop our involvement functions and networks across the ICS to support the delivery of the ICS vision and become a system where working collaboratively with each other and the local population is the default
2) To support the Integrated Care Board (Integrated Care Board - Happy Healthy Lives) and Integrated Care Partnership(Integrated Care Partnership - Happy Healthy Lives) to deliver the Integrated Care Strategy(Our Strategy - Happy Healthy Lives).
3) To continue to develop the current routes of involvement of individuals and communities in our governance and workstreams