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Role of the icp

The ICP will drive the strategic direction and plans for integration across the ICP area around e.g. shared vision and purpose, integrated provision, integrated records, integrated strategic plans, integrated commissioning of services, integrated budgets and integrated data sets etc. – with most integrated provision happening at ‘place’. This work will need to be aligned with existent work and strategies at place developed by Health and Wellbeing Boards and through other system structures. 

It is required to develop an ‘integrated care strategy’ for the whole population (for which all partners will be accountable) using best available evidence and data, covering health and social care (both children’s and adult social care) and addressing the wider determinants of health and wellbeing. In addition:

  • Built bottom-up from local assessments of needs and assets identified at place level, based on joint strategic needs assessments
  • Focus on health and social care outcomes, reducing inequalities and addressing the consequences of the pandemic for communities
  • Have regard to the NHS England/Improvement Mandate and any guidance issued by DHSC,
  • Consider a joint workforce plan, including the NHS, local government, social care and VSCE
  • Consider mobilising assets beyond anchor institution boundaries
  • Form strategies which are ambitious and challenging and enable integration and innovation 
  • Set out the collective model through which partners will hold each other to account (including to local residents)