Our opportunities to improve health and care
“ICSs… are part of a fundamental shift in the way the English health and care system is organised.
Following several decades during which the emphasis was on organisational autonomy, competition and the separation of commissioners and providers, ICSs depend instead on collaboration and a focus on places and local populations as the driving forces for improvement”.
– The Kings Fund
The statutory basis for Integrated Care Systems (The Health and Care Act 2022) gives us an opportunity to go above and beyond what we have already achieved through collaborative working in Coventry and Warwickshire and to accelerate what has happened to date.
There are a number of empowering elements in the Act which we will seek to harness, especially around finance and tendering, and removal of the competitive environment. As collective stewards of public finance for the benefit of the population we serve, ICS partners have an opportunity to deliver real benefits from integration.
This includes:
- targeting resource to where it is most needed to tackle health inequalities
- joining up currently disconnected services across providers, to deliver more complementary and seamless health and care services to our population
- working together in our places to build strong community links and relationships
- sharing best practice and expertise at scale across the system, and offering greater training and OD opportunities for our workforce
- benefitting from procurement partnerships and economies of scale
- data sharing and intelligent use of data for population health modelling and proactive and preventative work
- improving resilience by, for example, providing mutual aid
- working together to help build and enable a thriving voluntary and community sector, with the public sector changing how it works with communities to build responsive, local, and inclusive capacity
- ensuring that specialisation and consolidation occur where this will provide better outcomes and value
- sharing finance and back-office systems, professional expertise and facilities.