Submit a survey response
If you would like to participate in the consultation by submitting a survey response, you can do so via an online survey using the link below.
The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and we do not require any information that will identify you personally.
We recommend you read the Consultation Document before responding to the questions. Once you have read the consultation document, then please click here to complete the survey.
If you need this survey in another language or another format such as large print or audio, please call 024 7527 9122 or email
Please note, if there are multiple people from the same household who are trying to complete the online survey you may encounter issues submitting the survey from the second response onwards. This is due to the protections the independent market research agency has put in place to prevent individuals from filling the consultation in multiple times, which would introduce bias to the results.
If you are unable to submit an online survey response, then please consider completing a paper survey. The questions are the same on both surveys and the paper survey can be returned via a freepost address, so there is no need for a stamp. A printable version can be downloaded here.
Alternatively, you can request a paper copy of the survey by emailing