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HAve your say

We are inviting current and former patients, staff, stakeholders, local residents, and interested organisations to participate in this consultation. Your feedback is extremely important to us and will help inform and shape the future of the 35 community rehabilitation beds in South Warwickshire.

There are a variety of ways in which you can participate in the consultation process, which are:

  • Completing a survey
  • Attending one of our consultation events
  • Making a written submission

The consultation will close on Friday 14th February 2025, so please make sure you have submitted your feedback by this date.

We recommend you read the Consultation Document before responding to this consultation. 

Paper copies of the consultation document are also available on request. We would ask that these only be requested if it is not possible to view this information online or submit a response to the consultation via another method, such as via our online survey or at an event, to both save copies for those who need them and to help us reduce paper usage as part of our aim to become a Greener NHS.

To request a paper copy, please email or call 02475279122.

Please use the links below to find out more.