What's happening with Ellen Badger Hospital?
The Ellen Badger Hospital site previously hosted 16 community rehabilitation beds. To accommodate the wider redevelopment of the Ellen Badger site, these community rehabilitation beds were temporarily relocated to Leamington Spa Hospital in 2022. Unlike other community hospitals in South Warwickshire, Ellen Badger Hospital was only used for community rehabilitation and there were no other bedded services delivered from the site.
Since October 2018, SWFT have been working to modernise the Ellen Badger Hospital. This is an exciting opportunity for Shipston to expand on their existing proactive approach to health and wellbeing. The new centre will support the health and wellbeing needs of the community in Shipston and the surrounding villages by delivering conventional healthcare alongside activities to address social factors and support health and wellbeing. Construction on the site meant we needed to relocate 16 beds to the Leamington Spa Hospital.
This construction on the Ellen Badger site is a separate programme of work. The impact on the Ellen Badger Hospital if no community rehabilitation beds return here would mean moving from a facility that had hospital beds to a facility that offers enhanced outpatient support for the local community.