How the final options were chosen
At first, there were many different proposals and a longlist of options was developed. A panel of experts, NHS staff, and community members worked together to combine similar ideas, improve them, and develop a shortlist of options that could then be fully appraised. In September 2022, a group looked at the shortlisted options and assessed their strengths and weaknesses. In February 2023, three final options were shared with the Warwickshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for more feedback. This is a local authority committee made up of local elected councillors who are responsible for scrutinising how the NHS works in their area. By September 2024, two final proposed options were agreed.
The final proposals for further appraisal were checked to make sure they:
- met patient needs
- aligned with NHS goals and priorities
- were affordable and sustainable
Our final options
Option A – Distribute all 35 beds across three sites: Ellen Badger Hospital, Leamington Spa Hospital, and Stratford Hospital. This would reduce the number of beds currently at Stratford Hospital and Leamington Spa Hospital and return up to 12 beds to the Ellen Badger Site.
Option B – Two sites: Provide all 35 beds at two sites, Leamington Spa Hospital and Stratford Hospital. The wards would remain the same current size at Leamington Spa Hospital and Stratford Hospital and there would no longer be any beds at the Ellen Badger site
The other options we recently considered and why they aren’t viable:
- Distribute 35 Beds across the Ellen Badger Hospital and Leamington Spa Hospital. Ellen Badger Hospital doesn’t have enough space or staff to care for patients with complex needs. To do this, we would need to close Nicol Ward in Stratford. This is already a fully functioning ward that offers community hospital rehabilitation bed provision as well as flexible options including end of life care.
- Locate all 35 Beds at a new hospital in Stratford. Building a new hospital would cost too much money, and we don’t have the budget for it.
- Returning 16 Beds to Ellen Badger only. Most patients come from areas like Leamington, Kenilworth, Warwick and Stratford, not Shipston. Therefore, this option wouldn’t meet the needs of most people. There is also not enough space currently to return 16 beds.
- Adding beds to the new build Ellen Badger building. The new Ellen Badger building was designed for community services, not hospital beds. Even if it was reconfigured, it would only have space for 10 beds, which isn’t enough.