Children Services
Coventry based
- Family Health and Wellbeing Service (0-19) is made up of 7 existing services, including Be Active Be Healthy (BABH). The BABH team deliver a range of healthy lifestyle and exercise programmes designed to reduce the risk of obesity among children by supporting families to reduce weight, increase physical activity and adopt healthier long term behaviours. The team works closely with schools and early years settings to promote a healthy food environment and to maximise opportunity for physical activity.
- Paediatric Dietetics employ a range of techniques to advise individuals on their nutrition needs. This starts with an individualised assessment and may include tips from tweaking your food choices.
Warwickshire based
- Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Families, 5-week interactive group programme, delivered online for families with children aged 5 and under. The focus is to support families with maintaining a healthier and more active lifestyle.
- Change Makers Healthy Lifestyles Programme teaches Warwickshire families about good nutrition, staying active and other healthy living topics. Change Makers is a free service for anyone with a child aged 4 to 19, or up to 25 for individuals with SEND.
- Paediatric Dietetics employ a range of techniques to advise individuals on their nutrition needs. This starts with an individualised assessment and may include tips from tweaking your food choices.
For both Coventry & Warwickshire
Complicated Excess Weight (CEW) service is dedicated to supporting children, young people, and families in identifying and managing any health problems associated with excess weight. Examples include impaired glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnoea or problems with mobility. The CEW service is for those aged one year up to the child’s 16th birthday. Support duration ranges from 12-24 months dependent on the level of support required. Referrals can only be made via a Paediatrician and not via the child’s GP. Please note, this service has limited capacity, therefore consider additional services available across Coventry and Warwickshire. CEW service will only accept referrals through secondary/ tertiary care, i.e. they have to be seen, assessed by and kept in the care of a Paediatrician (as CEW is only a time-limited intervention addressing complications).