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Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children and Adults at risk is everyone’s business.

As a commissioner of health and care services, we must ensure robust arrangements for Safeguarding Children and Adults, as such, we will continue to review and develop arrangements in line with best practice and latest guidance.

Coventry & Warwickshire Integrated Care Board are a statutory partner at the Safeguarding Adult Boards and Safeguarding Children’s Partnerships. 

Information Sharing Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services for children, young people, parents and carers May 2024

Please see REPORT IT for information on how to refer a Safeguarding concern.

For further advice select SAFEGUARDING TEAM below. 


Concerned about adult abuse?

Do you think an adult is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed by someone else or is neglecting themselves?

Are you worried that an adult is living in circumstances (at home or in care) where they are being treated badly or neglected?

If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, then please contact Adult Social Care Direct to report your concerns. Don’t worry if you are not sure. All reports will be looked into and no action will be taken unless it is needed.

To report your concerns contact Adult Social Care Direct on 024 7683 3003 or email Remember, if it’s an emergency, dial 999.

If you are a provider (residential home, nursing home, day care, care agency, housing with care establishment) or a professional or council worker, in addition to any actions taken or telephone contact made, please complete the online Adult Social Care referral form.

Social Care Online referral examples

Further information click here


How do I contact someone if I am concerned about a child or young person?

If you wish to report a matter to the police, call 101 and state your concerns.
If you wish to report an emergency matter always dial 999.
Social worker (out of office hours): 024 7683 2222.

If there is no immediate danger or you need advice or information, you should call the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 024 7678 8555.

Advice and information

If you want to discuss your concerns or need advice e.g. if you are not sure whether your concerns are justified, you would like more information about issues like confidentiality or you would like to know what happens next (after you have reported your concerns), do one of the following:

Call Childline on 0800 1111

Call the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000

Check Coventry CSCP procedures

For professionals

To make a referral, please complete the multi-agency referral form.

Example of a completed multi-agency referral form.

Further information click here


See link for further information

Contact Adult Social Care on: 01926 412080. Our adult social care teams can offer advice and support to you and, where necessary, arrange appropriate services.

Out of hours – if you need to get in touch out of usual office hours, please contact the Emergency Duty Team immediately on 01926 886922.

To report a crime or raise a concern about abuse with Warwickshire Police, you can phone non-emergency number on: 101. But if it is an emergency always dial: 999.



See link for further information

Before making a referral – please take a look at the Spectrum of Support document to decide whether your concerns require a referral to Children’s Social Care.

For urgent concerns – if you have an urgent child protection concern and need to get in touch with us, call the Front Door on 01926 414144.

Lines are open:

  • Monday to Thursday – 8.30am – 5:30pm
  • Friday – 8.30am – 5:00pm

You will then need to complete and return a Multi-Agency Contact Form (MAC) and send via email to the Front Door team:

Please email –

Out of hours – if you need to get in touch out of usual office hours, please contact the Emergency Duty Team immediately on 01926 886922.

Emergencies – if you think that a child is at immediate risk, contact the police immediately on 999.

Non-urgent concerns – complete the Multi Agency Contact Form and send to email address as stated above.


Concerns about a person in a position of trust (PoT)

A person in a Position of Trust (PoT) is any adult who works with children. This includes paid staff and volunteers.

You will need to refer to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) if you think someone in a PoT has:

  • behaved in a way that has/may have harmed a child
  • committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or
  • behaved in a way that indicates they may be at risk of harming a child

To refer to the LADO, you will need to complete a Postion of Trust MARF (DOCX, 1.53 MB) and sent it to

Safeguarding Team email 


Safeguarding Co-Ordinator - Chloe Bowley

Associate Chief Nurse - Sharon Mikhael

Designated Doctor for LAC/CIC - Dr Anita Morgan

Designated Nurse for LAC/CiC - Ann-Marie Kennedy

Deputy Designated Nurse for Safeguarding - Zoe Daniels

Deputy Designated Nurse for Safeguarding - Vicki Herbert

Named Nurse for Primary Care - Kate Watson


Safeguarding Co-Ordinator - Sam Worrall

Associate Chief Nurse - Jackie Channell

Designated Doctor for LAC/CIC - Dr Vaishali Desai

Designated Nurse for LAC/CiC - Valerie Corcoran

Deputy Designated Nurse for Safeguarding - Helena Dempsey

Deputy Designated Nurse for Safeguarding - Fran Walsh

Named Nurse for Primary Care - 

Named GP for Safeguarding in Coventry and Warwickshire – Dr Sarah Raistrick


Designated Doctor for Child Protection – Dr Jo Gifford