Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System’s Personalisation Strategy
The NHS Long Term Plan describes Personalised Care as one of the five major practical changes needed to achieve a new Integrated Care service model for the 21st Century.
That is why personalisation is an essential element of our Integrated Care Strategy.
Our Personalisation Strategy is focussed on creating the conditions and commitment to enable Personalised Care to become embedded, thrive and ultimately become “business as usual” as our local integrated health and care System evolves and matures.
Through our Personalisation Strategy we will seek to promote and develop a passion for personalised care across our workforce and to reflect Personalised Care in our integrated care pathways and commissioned services.
Our Personalisation Strategy will act as a vehicle through which we will pursue, with determination and focus, clearly defined personalisation ambitions - across System, Place, PCNs and individual organisations.
The Strategy will act as a ‘call to action to embrace personalisation’, because personalisation means people have more choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered based on “what matters to them” and their individual diverse strengths, needs and preferences.
Personalisation must be a cornerstone of our Local Integrated Care Strategy to ensure we deliver care that is meaningful and valued by those that access and receive personalised care means that people have choice and control over the way that their care is planned and delivered. It is based on what matters to them and their individual strengths and needs.
It is only with personalised care that we can be confident we are responding to individuals’ needs, and that we are able to reach out and connect with local communities and people, regardless of background or circumstance.
The ‘NHS Long Term Plan’ states that personalised care will become ‘business as usual’ across the health and care system, and ‘Universal Personalised Care: Implementing the Comprehensive Model’ sets out how this will be achieved. This change is necessary to improve the quality, appropriateness and efficiency of the care and support offered to people using the NHS – but it can be challenging for the people working in it.
The introduction of personalised care means that the workforce needs to work differently, so supervision and support systems need to be redesigned to facilitate this and performance measures need to align with personalised care expectations.
Personalised care is not just a change in approach for frontline staff. It has implications for the leadership of organisations and of systems, as well as people working in business support functions, and people working in partner organisations that are part of the wider health and care system.
Jenni Northcote, Personalisation SRO