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Case studies

Open the Case Studies folder below, to find case studies showing:



  1. Mrs C's story - elderly widow with multiple conditions: adopting a comprehensive approach
  2. Reducing emergency hospital admissions in Frome - proactive care, compassionate communities, patient-centred goal setting and care planning
  3. J's story - how a personalised approach dramatically improved an MSK patient's outcomes in a short time
  4. Rough sleeping case study - taking a personalised approach to 10 rough sleepers; case study from the QNI Homeless and Inclusion Health Nursing case study report 2022
  5. Chronic conditions case study
  6. Urgent care services in Sefton are working with the local voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise sector to reduce hospital admissions, enable safe, effective discharge and support unpaid carers through a wrap-around, holistic service that puts the patient and their carer at the centre of their support.  


Personal Health Budgets (PHBs)

  1. Frail older people given more choice and control
  2. Ongoing PHBs support long term health and care needs
  3. PHBs supporting mental health recovery


Shared Decision Making (SDM)

  1. Derby Hospital Renal Service Optimising the use of home dialysis - an SDM approach
  2. Bristol Community Health Trust: see their video of SDM in practice


Supported Self Management

  1. Peer support for people with mental health issues in Gloucestershire: see their video of it in action
  1. Reducing emergency admissions: patients most able to manage their health conditions had 38% fewer emergency admissions, 32% fewer attendances at A&E, 18% fewer GP appointments.