Learning disability and autism
These webpages have been created for health and social care professionals working across Coventry and Warwickshire to:
- Inform about projects across the local footprint that are aiming to improve the access, experience and outcomes of care for people with a learning disability and/or diagnosis of autism, including the Learning Disability Friendly Badge
- Provide up to date local LeDeR information, including reports, best practice examples and support on how to complete a notification
- Support individuals’ understanding of learning disability annual health checks and how to ensure high quality checks are undertaken
Within Coventry and Warwickshire, our partner organisation Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) supports people with a diagnosis of a learning disability and/or autism and has lots of useful information and resources on their website. For the CWPT learning disability resource repository, which includes a range of useful documents and resources, including information about annual health checks, health passports and reasonable adjustments, click here.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding these webpages please contact cwicb.communications@nhs.net.
If you are a member of the public and not a healthcare professional, please visit the Public webpages.