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Domestic Abuse Act 2021 What GPs and Surgery Staff Need to Know – May 2022

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 defines Domestic Abuse as:

Behaviour of a person (“A”) towards another person (“B”) is “domestic abuse” if—

(a)A and B are each aged 16 or over and are personally connected to each other, and

(b)the behaviour is abusive.

Behaviour is “abusive” if it consists of any of the following—

(a) physical or sexual abuse;

(b) violent or threatening behaviour;

(c) controlling or coercive behaviour;

(d) economic abuse;

(e) psychological, emotional or other abuse; and it does not matter whether the behaviour consists of a single incident or a course of conduct.

“Economic abuse” means any behaviour that has a substantial adverse effect on B’s ability to—

(a)acquire, use or maintain money or other property, or

(b)obtain goods or services

Controlling behaviour is:

A range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.

Coercive behaviour is:

An act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.


1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men experiencing it at some point in their lives.

One incident of domestic violence is reported to the police every minute.

On average, 2 women a week are killed by a current or former male partner.

Anyone can experience domestic abuse as it occurs regardless of age, class, race, social group, sexuality, disability or lifestyle.

Domestic abuse tools

When carrying out a risk assessment of domestic violence using the Safelives-DASH Risk Identification Checklist staff may determine that a child / adult / family is at high risk as a result of the domestic violence and abuse disclosed. In this case all staff should consider completion of a referral to Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC).

Effects on children:

Safe to Talk is Coventry City Council’s Domestic Abuse website.

Here you will find information on latest news, services for:

  • victims,
  • survivors,
  • children/young people

There is also support for victims of:

  • honour-based abuse
  • forced marriage
  • and FGM.

There is also an online chat function for anyone including professionals.

You can also call 0800 111 4998 8.30am – 5pm

Monday to Friday or 10am – 1pm Saturday and Sunday.

For Victim and Supported Family Accommodation:

Click here for further information

Tel: 02476 266 280

Freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
or visit (access live chat Mon-Fri 3-10pm)

Refuge deliver the Domestic Abuse service for Warwickshire

Click here for more information

If you’re in Warwickshire, please call Refuge’s Domestic Violence Service Warwickshire Helpline on 0800 408 1552 (Monday-Friday 8:30am-8:30pm; Saturday 10am-4pm) to speak to one of the support workers.

If the line is busy or for out of hours calls, a voicemail operates on this number. If you leave a message, please do let us know your name, number and a safe time to call and we will get back to you.

Email us – – with any queries or questions.

In an emergency always call 999.

Freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
or visit (access live chat Mon-Fri 3-10pm)

Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre

The Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre provides support, information and advocacy to female victims and supervisors of sexual violence.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 02476 277 777.

Coventry Cyrenians

Coventry Cyrenians provides services for homeless and vulnerably housed people in Coventry and Warwickshire.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 02476 228 099.

Coventry Haven Women’s Aid

Coventry Haven help women and children who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse by providing safe housing and a range of support services.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 02476 444 077.


Galop is the national lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans charity intended to help raise awareness and combat same-sex domestic violence and abuse.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 0800 999 5428.

Men’s Aid

Men’s Aid help provide practical advice and support to men who have been abused.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 0333 567 0556.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline is run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge. It gives support, help and information for women experiencing domestic violence.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 0808 2000 247.


Panahgar provides free dedicated BME multi-lingual support, advice and advocacy and access to safe refuge for victims and their families of domestic abuse, sexual abuse or gendered abuse in Coventry.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 0800 055 6519.


Relate help people build better relationships by enhancing the quality of couple, parental, and family relationships.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 02476 225 863.



Sahil provides help and support to Asian women experiencing mental health problems in Coventry and surrounding areas.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 02476 638 754

Talk 2 Someone Warwickshire

Website with support contact and information.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 0800 408 1552

Valley House

Valley House offer support for people who are over 16 years of age and suffer from domestic abuse.

You can find out more by visiting their website or by calling 0800 328 9084.

MARAC is a victim focused meeting where information is shared between partner agencies on the highest risk cases of domestic abuse and violence. A risk focused, coordinated safety plan is then drawn up to support the victim and his / her family. Cases discussed at MARAC will be shared with relevant services, if there needs to be further advice and support provided by that service.

In light of the existence of high risk of domestic violence and known risks and vulnerability factors disclosed at MARAC, the expectation is that each service will review the family’s needs and in accordance with the additional needs identified, provide an appropriate follow up service.


Please see link for details


MARAC is a victim focused meeting where information is shared between partner agencies on the highest risk cases of domestic abuse and violence. A risk focused, coordinated safety plan is then drawn up to support the victim and his / her family. Cases discussed at MARAC will be shared with relevant services, if there needs to be further advice and support provided by that service.

In light of the existence of high risk of domestic violence and known risks and vulnerability factors disclosed at MARAC, the expectation is that each service will review the family’s needs and in accordance with the additional needs identified, provide an appropriate follow up service.


Referrals to the MARAC can be made, and are encouraged, by any agency which identifies a victim of domestic abuse as being high risk.  The formal risk identification tool (DASH) should be completed by the referring agency and then sent to the MARAC coordinator via email:

If there is an urgent concern and you need to discuss a MARAC case please call and request to talk to Kaylee Linton the deputy service manager for DVSW on 07921409772 or or please contact the MARAC Coordinator – Lottie Mayers on Telephone – 07464928745 or email