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Leadership Development

Clinical and Care Professional Leadership development is a key aspect to ensuring that the current and future leaders of tomorrow have the necessary skills to bring strength and unity to the system.

At present, there is not a full system programme for development in place. Instead, developmental programmes are confined within organisations. The level of programmes, success, and uptake is unknown.

In response to the CCPL principle 1 of ‘Integrating clinical and care professionals in decision making at every level of the ICS’, and principle 4 of ‘Providing dedicated leadership development for all clinical and care professional leaders’, the CCPL workstream are discussing the development of a mentorship programme as part of the Clinical and Care Professional Leadership Plan. As part of the CCPL Framework, a series of mapping exercises will take place.

1. Map what mentorship, talent spotting, and leadership development programmes exist within each organisation. 

2. Review and harness the good from individual organisations to join up and develop a system offer.

3. Embed a programme at system level.