Clinical and Professional Leadership
“There is clear evidence of the link between strong clinical leadership and a range of important outcomes within health services, including patient satisfaction, patient mortality, organisational financial performance, staff well-being, engagement, turnover and absenteeism, and overall quality of care.”
Leadership and Leadership Development in Health Care: The Evidence Base Kings Fund 2015
“In Coventry & Warwickshire we have excellent dedicated clinical and care professionals working together to meet the needs of our population. Strong clinical and care leadership is central to improving the services and outcomes for our patients as well as for ensuring a workplace that enables our staff to provide high quality and safe care.
Each professional brings their unique skills and experience. We need to make sure that the clinical and care professional leaders are drawn from that breadth of expertise so that the way we design our services is shaped by a truly multi-disciplinary group of professionals.
Our plans will ensure that this is the case and that we fully support the principle of clinical and care leadership in our system and the leadership development of our professionals so that our patients experience the best joined up multidisciplinary care.”
Dr Angela Brady, Chief Medical Officer, NHS Coventry & Warwickshire ICB
Our system strongly believes that Clinical and Care Professional Leadership (CCPL) needs to be a core foundation of the system and how we act, engage, and make decisions in the future. Due to its multidimensional nature, it is critical to involve and strengthen the relationship between various workstreams.
Find out more about CCPL and Integrated Care Systems on our Resources page
In September 2021, National Guidance ‘Building Strong Integrated Care Systems Everywhere: ICS Implementation Guidance on Effective Clinical and Care Professional Leadership‘ was published setting out two expectations and five core principles for effective system Clinical and Care Professional (CCP) Leadership.
These expectations include the development of a system CCP Framework and Plan, as well as ensuring our CCPs are involved and invested in the vision, purpose and work of the Coventry & Warwickshire Integrated Care System. Our full CCPL framework for Coventry and Warwickshire is available here.
Our CCPL framework for Coventry and Warwickshire breaks these principles down into seven elements that we will deliver on over the next couple of years: