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Our Structure

The purpose of our ICB is to bring partner organisations together to:
1. improve outcomes in population health and healthcare
2. tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access
3. enhance productivity and value for money
4. help the NHS support broader social and economic development.
To help the public to understand how ICBs are structured, you can view our organisational organogram below, which outlines the structure of teams within the ICB, including the number of staff in each team and at each grade and the total cost per team.
The figures in the chart relate to substantive (permanent) posts funded by the “ICB Running Cost Allocation”, a specific allocation covering the corporate administrative functions of the ICB in place to deliver our statutory duties. At any one time due to staff turnover a number of teams may have vacancies or posts may be filled by temporary staffing whilst recruitment is underway but the tables represent the full establishment assuming all posts are filled.
In addition to the workforce employed to deliver our statutory functions, we receive separate funding for additional programmes and functions to be delivered by the ICB. Examples of this would include Continuing Health Care (CHC) and the Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) service. As Staff providing these services are not funded through our running cost allocation they are excluded from this organogram. 
Where numbers of staff are so low they could become potentially identifiable (three or less) within a grade, we have noted that on the chart.