Melanie Coombes
Partner Member – NHS Foundation Trusts (Chief Executive Officer, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust)

Mel became the Trust’s Chief Executive in January 2021, after previously serving as Chief Nurse, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive for CWPT. Mel is the Board Member who fulfils the requirement of the Act to have a board member who has knowledge and experience in connection with services relating to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.
As a registered nurse, Mel brings extensive Board level experience to the role and 36 years’ experience of working in the NHS. She has held a number of national positions, which included Chair of the National Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Nurse Directors Forum.
She held the role of Director of Nursing, Quality, and Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust for seven years before joining the Trust in October 2019.