Freedom to Speak Up
The ICB aims to ensure everyone feels safe and confident to speak up about their concerns so that we can improve our services, working conditions, culture, and quality of care.
Freedom to Speak up Guardians have been appointed throughout the NHS and have a key role in helping to raise the profile of raising concerns in their organisations. They provide confidential advice and support to staff.
The ICB has a Freedom to Speak up Guardian who will support you speaking up to get any concerns resolved.
Issues covered by the Freedom to Speak Up Programme include:
- Unacceptable healthcare practice
- Corruption
- Dishonesty
- Fraud or financial irregularity
- Bullying
- Misreporting performance data
- Offering or taking bribes
- Criminal Activity
- Endangering the health and safety of an individual(s)
- Malpractice in the workplace
- Deliberate concealment or destruction of any information relating to a concern
If you have a concern we want you to feel confident to raise that concern. We will support you after you have spoken up.