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The NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on Thursday 21st September 2023 at Coventry Transport Museum.

We were pleased to invite colleagues from across the system and the public to the first in-person AGM since before the Coronavirus pandemic. At the AGM, we held an Integration Marketplace with teams from across the ICS sharing their work, before going on to share our achievements and challenges in our first year as an Integrated Care Board, as well as presenting our annual report and accounts. 

Our Chair, Danielle Oum, discussed the future of health and care in Coventry and Warwickshire, the priorities of the Integrated Care System and the opportunities for us going forward. The event also featured a facilitated working session which offered attendees the opportunity to feedback on our priorities and influence ongoing work. 

You can view The Future of Health and Care brochure and other AGM documents by clicking below.

Feedback we gathered from the day will be available shortly.